Health and Fitness

Do you also enjoy Vada Pav for breakfast, then know whether it is good or bad for health

Is it healthy to eat Vada Pav?

Vada pav is such a dish, which some people eat as a light snack, some people eat it in breakfast, some in lunch and dinner. While it is a favorite dish of some, health conscious people consider it junk food because it has no nutritional value. By the way, let us tell you that Vada pav has been included in the list of the world’s best sandwiches.

‘Taste Atlas’ has released this list, which is a travel guide of traditional food. This guide contains A to Z details about the food along with its recipe, complete research about famous dishes. Due to which Vada pav has got 13th place in the list of 100 dishes. If you have not tasted this dish till date, then it is worth trying it once.

Eating Vada pav gives so many calories but eat it wisely

Is it healthy to eat Vada Pav?

1 piece of Vada pav contains about 200-220 calories. About 60 percent of these calories are fat, 33 percent are carbs and 7 percent are protein. Let us tell you that a healthy adult needs about 2000 calories in the whole day. Intake of more calories than this can increase the risk of many diseases in the body.

Is eating Vada Pav healthy?

Is it healthy to eat Vada Pav?

People who love to eat Vada Pav eat it with great gusto from morning breakfast to evening snacks. Komal Malik, Head Dietician of Asian Hospital, Faridabad says that, ‘No doubt Vada Pav is amazing to eat, but it is not a good option for health.

Inside Vada Pav is potato pakora or bonda whatever you call it. To enhance its taste, many types of spices are used in it. Then they are wrapped in gram flour and deep fried. Deep fried potato bonda, pav made of refined flour and use of spices makes it harmful for health.

However, there is no harm in eating such things sometimes. On the other hand, separate oil is not added again and again to fry the bonda stuffed in the pav, rather it is fried in the same old oil. By heating the same oil again and again, it becomes poisonous. Which is not good for the heart at all.

If you sometimes crave to eat junk food, then you can make potato tikki a little healthy by mixing it with seasonal vegetables and use millets instead of refined flour. With this, you can enjoy Vada Pav without any guilt.

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