Health and Fitness

Keep These Things in Mind while Eating Bananas in the Rain, So That you do not fall ill!


Banana in monsoon Everyone likes bananas. It is also a fruit that is easy to eat. But do you know that if a banana is not eaten at the right time and with the right thing, it can also cause harm?

Banana is a fruit that is available throughout the year and is also best to eat as a snack. It is also easy to eat, you can eat it while leaving the house or anywhere. It is a fruit that can be eaten daily. However, do you know that there are many things related to eating this fruit that everyone should know about, otherwise it can spoil health?

The nutrients found in bananas prove to be excellent for your health, but should it be eaten in the rainy season?

What happens by eating bananas in the monsoon?


We all wait for the monsoon to get relief from the scorching heat, but this pleasant weather also brings water and air-borne diseases. Therefore, it is very important to keep an eye on what you are eating during this time. If you are also one of those people who eat bananas every day, then you should stop it today! Experts say that eating bananas in monsoon is absolutely safe and can benefit health in many ways. However, it matters when and how you eat it.

Why do you need to be careful while eating this fruit?




Rich in amino acids, vitamins B6, and C, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and manganese, eating this fruit daily keeps the body healthy, increases immunity, strengthens the heart and brain, and reduces the risk of stroke. However, if you eat bananas at the wrong time or mix it with some foods, then it can harm you instead of being beneficial.

According to Ayurveda, bananas can be eaten in any season, but if you eat banana in the evening, at night or on an empty stomach, it can harm your health.

When should bananas not be eaten?

People suffering from indigestion, cough or asthma should avoid eating bananas at night as it can increase phlegm and cause mucus formation in the body, causing lethargy in the body. Therefore, it is advisable to eat banana during the day so that the body gets enough time to digest the protein and fiber present in this fruit.

Should banana be eaten on an empty stomach?


If you eat a banana before a workout, then stop. This is because eating banana on an empty stomach causes acid reflux, which can lead to hyperacidity. The reason for this can be vitamin C. Also, the potassium present in it can prove fatal in heart and high blood pressure diseases. Therefore, the right time to eat banana is breakfast or it can be eaten as a snack in between meals.

Do not eat bananas with these things in monsoon

In Ayurveda, bananas should not be eaten mixed with dairy products like milk or curd. This is because both these things can weaken the fire element, which can cause indigestion and acid reflux and increase mucus production.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions given in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or problems.

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